Employment Assistance Services

Welcome and participant references

The Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Pontiac is an ideal place for counselling both young and old alike, where they will be listened to and encouraged, in order to help them find their place in the community. They are either referred to the CJEP by Emploi-Québec or can simply show up to the CJEP.

Our staff is committed to providing personalized services in a welcoming and engaging environment, so as to support and accompany the clients in finding a job or in returning to school. Our programs and methods are innovative and constantly adapted to the needs of different clienteles.

First Visit

  • Welcome and registration form
  • Meet with the counsellor – determine needs
  • Explain the services offered by the CJEP and answer any questions

Second Visit and those Following

  • Subsequent visits will be customized to the client’s needs.

Help in finding employment (or in returning to school)

“How To” Steps

Reflect on my future by asking the right questions

Write a winning resume and a presentation letter that
catches the reader’s attention

Identify potential employers

Efficient networking

Support integration into employment

Better knowledge of the labour market

Prepare and practice the interview

Develop effective job search techniques

Support a return back to school

Personalized follow-up during and after the process

Financial Education

Personal Finance, I’m in Charge:

A financial education program designed by Desjardins, in partnership with local organizations, which disseminate the program in an objective and neutral manner. For 16-25-year-olds who have questions about their finances, education, the job market, responsible consumption, ways to save, credit and debt.

The financial education advisors at Carrefour jeunesse-emploi du Pontiac were trained by Desjardins to be able to teach the 16 modules of the program in a dynamic and participative manner, in French or in English, individually or in groups.

Examples of Modules:

  • Budget: Numbers that speak for themselves
  • Credit: The more you know, the better
  • Buying and saving: Making room for both
  • Transportation: On the right track
  • Finding an apartment: Your key considerations

Multiservice Room

Free access to the following equipment:

  • Four computers with high-speed Internet:
    • Write your résumé
    • Write your presentation letter
    • Research employment or information related to studies
    • Support for online placement
    • Consult the job bank
  • Printer
  • Fax machine

Documentation – Consultation tools:

  • Job and Training Billboards (Pontiac, Renfrew, Arnprior, Pembroke, Gatineau)
  • Information on the job market
  • Information on schools and programs
  • Consult newspapers
  • Consult referencing material (writing business letters, the Pitman Office Handbook, etc.)